
Click below to view my portfolio

As a user-centred designer, my primary focus is the consumer and their needs. I consistently utilise my academic knowledge and life experiences to generate solutions that directly benefit the user. 
I am highly organised and detail-orientated, taking great pride in any work I undertake, making it a personal goal to complete the task to the best of my ability. This is reflected in my work which is methodical and considers all stages of the design process, including user research, prototyping and usability testing, to produce an intuitive and innovative solution.​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Software skills
•  Figma
•  Sketch
•  Zeplin
•  Solidworks
•  Adobe software
•  Abstract
Key skills
•  Teamwork
•  Leadership
•  Interpersonal skills
•  Self-motivated
•  Adaptable
•  Critical thinking


Why do I design?
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